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Digital Advertising

For use in Pre, Mid or End roll ads, use in an ad running on a publisher platform (e.g. BuzzFeed's website), use in a social media ad (e.g. Facebook sponsored post) or similar.

My Digital Advertising Licence covers you for one song used as much as you like within one project.

Let's work together and infuse your projects with carefully crafted tracks full of emotion, originality and professional quality.

To get covered click the 'Get licence' button to purchase for £205 with the project name and date it will be published added in the notes. That's it you're covered! and is kept on my record. A licence agreement will be sent to you. You can also pay with BACS payment if that's more convenient. I am contactable for any support or assistance you might need.

Not sure which licence you need? That's no problem just send me a message with all the details and I'll be happy to help.

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In accordance to Musicians Union rights

In accordance to UK Contract Copyright and Creative Commons law

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